NWO Open Mind grant for Mitra Almasian and Xavier Attendu

At the annual NWO innovation festival TEKNOWLOGY, the “Widefield Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy for skin cancer detection & monitoring” project by Mitra Almasian and Xavier Attendu was awarded one of the seven Open Mind grants. These grants are for socially relevant research and are awarded to unusual research ideas that contribute to creative and sustainable solutions to societal challenges.

Widefield Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy for skin cancer detection & monitoring
“We propose the extension of DRS to a projector and camera system that allows simultaneous, non-contact reflectance measurements across a larger area. To perform this imaging implementation of DRS, we utilize a technique derived from telecommunication applications called code-division multiplexing.”

Read more on the NWO TEKNOWLOGY website: https://www.teknowlogy.nl/news/seven-surprising-research-ideas-receive-open-mind-grant