
The department of Biomedical Engineering and Physics is active in the University of Amsterdam (UvA) Faculty of Medicine in the bachelor of Medicine (De patiënt in beeld), bachelor and master Medical Informatics, the master Personalised Medicine and the Biomedical Sciences master track Cardiovascular Sciences.

Since biomedical research and health care form major areas for employment of physicists we provide Medical Physics courses for Biomedical Technology and Physics students. We coordinate the master Biomedical Technology and Physics at VU Amsterdam and are active in courses therein: From physics to Physiology, Biomedical Optics, Current Clinical Issues, Advanced 3D and 4D Imaging and Advanced MRI.

For other faculties of the UvA we are also active in:

Apart from these regular courses, we offer bachelor and master students of Biology, Medicine, Physics, Medical Natural Sciences, Biomedical Technology and Physics, Forensic Sciences or related disciplines the possibility to execute a research project in our or affiliated departments.

Our PhD students are enrolled in the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School. In this graduate school we also organise courses in MATLAB.